Employee Management


The Employee Management function is used to gather all relevant information on employees to produce payrolls and run other module options.


The Documents icon is available to users who have full access to the employee.





ClosedEmployee Management Icons



Used to

Print (Ctrl+P)

Print employee file.

In the icon’s dropdown menu, it is also possible to print the default form (the customized form) depending on the security access of the employee and access the list generator.


Display the saved documents in Document Managementfor the employee.

Edit Employee Cumulatives

Access the Edit cumulatives screen for the selected employee.

Contact Management

Access the Contact Management screen for the selected employee.

Human Resources File

Access the Human Resources File screen for the selected employee.

Delete this Layoff History

Allow user to delete the selected line from the layoff history, for the selected employee.

NOTE: A message will be displayed to confirm the deletion of the history.


Configure maestro* behaviour for employee management.

Only the non-self-explanatory icons or those with special features are defined in the table below.




maestro* > Time Management > Payroll > Employees > Employee Management

maestro* > Time Management > Maintenance > Payroll > Employee Management


Create an employee

  1. Enter the required information:




The number is automatically generated by the system when the record is saved, except if entered manually.

Last Name

Employee's last name.

First Name

Employee's first name.

Alpha Code

Code, other than the number, used to identify the employee.

NOTE: This code can be used to enter hours and work orders so the system can find the employee.


Displays the employee status, for informational purposes only.

NOTE: If the payroll module is not installed, the user can modify this value manually.


With the help of Security Management and the Access to Employees tab, it is possible to determine which tabs should be displayed in Employee Management. Simply select the tabs to display in the Access to employee file maintenance section.

  1. Enter the required information in the ClosedEmployee ID tab:
  1. Employee ID section:



Linked Employee

Links two records with different work characteristics for a given employee.

Group Code

Used to associate an employee with a group to filter payroll reports.


Street address, City, Province/State, Postal Code, Country/Region, Zip Code and Phone Number.


Maestro* displays the distance between the contact’s home address and the company’s address.

NOTE: Displayed only if the « Enable the calculation of road distances by Google » checkbox is activated in General Settings - Miscellaneous and that the address displayed on the screen is different from the registered address.

Date of Birth

Displays the employee's birthday in events calendar.


Determines the language in which the cheque or pay slip is printed.

Work Company

Indicates the company in which the employee is available for the entry of hours worked.

NOTE: Applies to the multidimensional mode only. If a value is not specified, the employee is available in all companies.

Payroll Company

Indicates which company is responsible for the employee and prepares the T4 and Relevé 1 slips for this employee.

NOTE: Applies to multidimensional mode only.

Security Group

Indicates the security group to which the employee belongs to. This group is linked to Security Management and employee access.

  1. In case of emergency section:




Name of the person to contact in case of emergency.


Phone number of the person to contact in case of emergency.

  1. Hiring section:




Date printed on the record of employment in box 10 - First day of work.


Hiring number.


Seniority date.

  1. Layoff section:




This date cannot be modified. It comes from the layoff of the employee.


Departure number specified when the employee is laid off.

Temporary Layoff

If the layoff was indicated as temporary in the layoff type in the Layoff option, the box is checked.

  1. Layoff History section: This section displays the dates of the latest layoffs.


It is possible to view the values of the statement by double-clicking on a grid line in the layoff history section.



A history line can be deleted if an error occurred during the layoffs. To do this, click on the line to be deleted and click the Delete this Layoff History icon. The icon is only available if the user has access to the Layoff option.

When deleting a layoff history row the following message appears: Attention, the detail of the values for the record prepared as of the yyyy-mm-dd will be deleted. Is this really what you want?

By clicking Yes, the history line and all the values entered in the preparation of the statement of employment are deleted.

By clicking No, the message disappears and nothing will be deleted.

  1. Other section:




Links an employee to a supplier code and is used to distribute a work order to a subcontractor in Work Order Dispatch.

User No.

Used to link an employee code to a user code. This code is from the Security Management.

This field is required in the various time entries of the maestro*CONNECT program to identify an employee based on their user name.

Supplier for Invoice Reconciliation

Identifies the supplier to be used to reconcile supplier hours and track hours. This code is from Supplier Management.

NOTE: This field is visible if the Supplier Invoice Reconciliation option is installed.

If the Supplier Invoice Reconciliation option is installed and a supplier is specified, the hours and bonuses entered in the various hour entries will be posted, but no pay cheque will be issued to the employee because the employee is considered a supplier.

The cost of these hours is charged to various projects and an accrual is created. When the supplier's invoice is received, the user can consolidate the hours (accrued) with the supplier's invoice by using the Supplier Invoice Reconciliation option.

For more information on using this function, refer to topic Reconciling Supplier Hours.

  1. Notes section: The note entered is displayed in a Memo field when the employee is selected in various entry screens of the system, if this function is configured in the Preferences.
  1. Enter the required information in the ClosedPayroll Information tab:
  1. Payroll Calculation section:



Salary Type

Indicates the employee's pay frequency. Available values:


Employee paid by the hour.


Employee paid monthly.


Employee paid weekly.


Employee paid every two weeks.


Employee paid twice a month.

Number of Hours

Number of hours paid by default for a pay frequency. This field is used by the Compile and Reload Project Hours function.

NOTE: If the entered hours are less than the value indicated in this field, an adjustment will be performed to reach the number oh hours to be paid.

Only regular type hours and income type bonuses are taken into account in the default number of hours to be paid, EXCEPT if a value is entered in the Maximum Payable field.

For example:

Number of hours = 30

If 20 regular time hours are entered in the project hours, 10 hours will automatically be added when Compiling and reading project hours.

If 20 regular time hours and 8 double time hours are entered in the project hours, 10 hours will be added to reach 30 regular time hours when compiling and reading project hours.

Number of hours = 30, Maximum Payable = 30

If 20 regular time hours and 8 double time hours are entered in the project hours, only 2 single time hours will be added when compiling and reading project hours since double time hours are also taken into account. the paid hours will be 30 hours, 22 regular time and 8 double time hours.

Number of hours = 30, Maximum Payable = 35

If 25 regular time hours and 15 double time hours are entered in the project hours, 5 double time hours will be cut when compiling and reading the project hours. The paid hours will be 35 hours, 25 regular time and 10 double time hours.

Hourly Rate

Hourly or total amount based on the frequency defined in the Salary Type field.

The hourly rate entered for an employee is automatically saved for the employee in Define Hourly Rates.

Maximum Payable

Allows to indicate the maximum number of hours payable to an employee per pay period.

NOTES: If the total number of hours entered (regular time + time and a half + double time hours) is greater than the value entered in this field, all overtime hours will be cut when compiling and reading project hours, starting with double time hours, and followed bby time and a half and then regular time hours.

It is possible to use this field with the Number of hours one - see examples for this above.

If a value is entered in this field, the project hours entered by checking the Bank box will be ignored and will not be taken into account in the employees file.

Start Banking Hours After

Number of hours after which hours are accumulated when entered. This field is only used if the hours are used to work on projects.

  1. Balances section: These fields contain the total accumulation for the employee since the first cheque or pay slip was printed. These balances are updated after cheques or pay slips are printed. Balances can be corrected manually. The Cancel a Pay function adjusts the balances.


To change the balance of the Total Banked Hours, simply change the information in Edit cumulatives accessible from the Edit employee cumulative icon.

  1. Default Values section:




Employee's default sector.


Employee's default annex.


Employee's default CCQ status.


Employee's default region.

CCQ Union

Employee's default CCQ union.

Optional Deduction

Used to indicate if the optional deduction is allowed or not.

Initiation Weeks

Used to indicate the employee's number of initiation weeks.



All of the information in these fields must be linked to the tables provided by the CCQ. This information is used to prepare the employer's monthly CCQ report.

The Optional Deduction field is linked to the Optional Deduction field in the Define Committees function. Select Yes to have the system take this information into account for payroll calculation.

  1. Miscellaneous section:



Work Category

Used to note the employee's work category.


Used to note the employee's social insurance number.


Used to note the employee's US social insurance number.


Used to note the employee's W/C-CSST rate.


Used to note the employee's occupation.

CCQ Client No.

Employee client number with CCQ.

In Quebec, this information must be printed on the employee pay stub.



The Work Category field is mandatory to save the employee's record.

  1. Vacation pay rate section:



Vacation Rate

Earned vacation in %. If a rate is not specified, the system uses the rate in Define Work Categories during payroll calculation.

NOTE: You can enter a vacation percentage for sector 0 (not governed) and sectors 1 to 5.

  1. Group Insurance section:



Start Date

Used to record the effective date of the employee's group insurance.

Group Insurance

Used to select the group insurance to which the employee subscribes. The fields in the tables in the Group Insurance section are updated according to the insurance selected.



The deductions can be entered directly in this table or by using the Define Group Insurances function.

The Use Reduced Employment Insurance Rate field is used to tell the system whether a reduced rate is used or not. This field works together with the Applicable Sectors for the Reduced Rate setting in Configuration and the rate entered in the Federal Rates tab of Government Tables.

  1. Pension plan section:




Used to record the deduction for the employee and/or the employer.


Used to record the rate for the employee and / or the employer.

Hourly Rate

Used to record the hourly rate for the employee and / or the employer.

  1. Tax Deduction section:




Indicates the system that the amount deducted must be tax deductible at source, if the box is checked.


Indicates the system that the amount deducted must be tax deductible at source, if the box is checked.


Calculates the Pension plan even if the employee does not have a pay only if the bonus type is 1-Deduction.



The only type of pension plan that can be calculated in this section is the RPP (registered pension plan).

To configure another pension type or pensions with more complex calculations, fill in the DefaultPension Plan section in the Bonuses and Deductions tab.

For additional information on pension plan types, refer to the Define Pension Plan Help topic.

  1. Garnishee section:




Amount of the garnishee to be deducted from the gross earnings or from the net amount based on the Garnishee calculation selection.

Deduct Provincial/State

If the box is checked, tells the system that the amount deducted must be deductible from source tax.

Deduct Federal

If the box is checked, tells the system that the amount deducted must be deductible from source tax.

% Salary

Percentage of garnishee deduction applicable on the net salary or gross earnings based on the selection.

Garnishee calculation

Method for calculating garnishee. Available values:


Calculates the garnishee based on the provincial gross earnings, including vacation.

NOTE: If provincial and / or federal income tax should be affected by the garnishee, you must check the federal or provincial deductions boxes.

WARNING! You should review the employee's file if a bonus for garnishee had been configured, in the Bonuses and Deductions tab, to avoid calculating garnishee in duplicate.


By default, calculates the garnishee based on the net provincial salary.

Basic Net

Calculates alimony payments based on the following formula:

Gross salary – governmental deductions (QPIP, QPP-CPP, Employment-insurance, Federal and Provincial Income Tax).

Amount on Net Pay

Garnishee amount to be deducted directly from the net pay. Applies only to garnishee on the net pay.

Maximum Amount

Maximum amount to be deducted at each payroll calculation.

Reference No.

Specify the Garnishee number.

  1. Direct deposit section:


If this information is not completed, the employee is paid by cheque instead of direct deposit.




Transit No

Transit number of the financial institution for the direct deposit.

NOTE: This field must contain 8 characters in the following order: three characters for the financial institution (i.e. Caisse populaire: 815, Bank of Montreal: 001) and 5 characters for the branch. On a cheque, the branch number is always displayed first, followed by number of the financial institution.)


Employee's account number.

NOTE: Only digits must be entered in this field.

If you click on the small square to the right of the account number, the bank deposit can be divided among four different bank accounts: three for the salary and one for the reimbursement of expenses.

For each account, the transit numbers (in the same format as above), account number and maximum to be deposited must be specified. The system deposits the maximum pay amount specified in the first bank account, deposits the balance in the second, again to the maximum specified, and so on. For the expense reimbursement account, only the expense bonuses portion will be deposited in this account.

  1. Enter the required information in the ClosedProject Time tab:




Enter a cost amount (including fringe benefits) for regular, overtime and double time for the employee. This amount is entered as the labour amount in project expenses if the fixed cost method is used.

NOTE: No value should be entered if fringe benefits are used.


Selling cost used for cost + invoicing.

Overtime Calc. Code

Allow user to select an overtime calculation code using the Define Overtime Calculation Parameters.

NOTE: The overtime calculation program is determined using the following priorities:

  1. The calculation code noted in the employee's file
  2. The calculation code noted in the trade option
  3. The calculation code noted in the activity
  4. The calculation code noted in the project
  5. The calculation code noted in the work category option

W/C - CSST activity

Default W/C - CSST activity to be used when entering hours in projects.

NOTE: The W/C - CSST code is predefined in Define W/C - CSST.

PBB Activity

Default PBB activity to be used when entering hours. In Québec, this activity only applies to electricians.

NOTE: The PBB code is predefined in Define PBB Activities.

Default Equipment code

Equipment code associated with the employee.

NOTES: Maestro* automatically inserts a line in the project time entries as soon as a record is entered for an employee. Maestro* uses the same project as for the employee.

If the Service Calls module is installed, the default equipment code establishes a link between a truck and an inventory location. Thus, in the Return From a Service Call, if an employee has a default equipment code and the code is linked to an inventory location, the Site field is completed automatically.

Additional Equipment Codes

Additional equipment codes associated with the employee. You can define up to four additional equipment codes (codes 2 to 5).

NOTE: Maestro* automatically inserts a line in the project time entries as soon as a record is entered for an employee. Maestro* uses the same project as for the employee.

Maestro* automatically inserts a line in the Return From a Service Call for each equipment code in the Service Calls module when hours are entered for the employee.

  1. Departmental Accounting sub-section:




Used to balance the entries in projects with those in payroll.

NOTE: During Payroll Reconciliation, maestro* banks payroll hours that exceed project hours and decreases banked hours if payroll hours are lower than project hours. The accounting entry to generated projects use this project, activity and group.

Internal Labour Allocation: Activity - Group

Used to allocate hours to an internal group and activity.

NOTE: Maestro* makes it possible to distinguish between marked up and actual costs in salaries for projects, and potentially in the general ledger. This option can be used to record interdepartmental revenue for employees working for more than one department at a time. The project revenue, which is not an actual revenue, results from the calculation of the marked up salary cost at a percentage that varies from one project to the next and from one employee to the next.


Mark up rate applicable to the employee's hourly rate.

NOTE: The rate must be configured in Configuration.

Occupation Type

Type of occupation held by the employee.

NOTE: The occupation code is predefined in Define Occupation Types.

This occupation type is only used for Invoice Preparation (W/O) and does not affect payroll calculation.

  1. Default values in Time Entry sub-section:



Labour Activity

Labour activity that will be displayed by default in the various entry options for project hours.

Labour Group

Salary group will be displayed by default in the various entry options for project hours.

  1. Enter the required information in the ClosedOther Modules tab:
  1. Dispatch section:



Always receive a full schedule

If this box is checked, the employee will receive the full schedule instead of just the new assignment.

Available in the Dispatch

If this box is checked, the current employee will be available in the dispatch options.

  1. Service Calls section:



Service Occupation

Allows you to link the employee to a service occupation for service calls.

  1. maestro*MOBILE section:



maestro*MOBILE employee access

If this box is checked, the employee in question will have an Employee access in maestro*MOBILE - this means they will only be able to access projects and enter their time in maestro*MOBILE.

User No.

User number in maestro*MOBILE.

Can create calls from Mobile

If this box is checked, the employee will be able to create service calls in the mobile application.

The user can modify equipments in Service Contracts

If this feature is enabled, the user will be able to modify equipment in service contracts.

Can create work orders from Mobile

If this box is checked, the employee will be able to create work orders in the mobile application.

Can send and transfer orders

If this box is checked, the employee will be able to create orders from maestro*MOBILE's Project interface, send them to the supplier and transfer the transactions.

NOTE: this option is particularly useful for foremen.

Can modify their personal information

If this box is checked, the employee will be able to modify their personal information in their Employee Profile on the mobile application.

NOTE: This box is not checked by default.

  1. Enter the required information in the ClosedBonuses and Deductions tab:
  1. Default Bonuses and Deductions section: Select a code from the defined list. This field is linked to the Define Earning/Deduction Codes function.

This section is used to enter bonuses and deductions that are applicable only to the employee.


To apply a bonus or deduction to multiple employees, use the Define Trades or Define Work Categories options, depending on the situation.





Premium or deduction code selected by default for the employee.

NOTE: This code comes from the Define Earning/Deduction Codes option.


Description of the premium or deduction.


Entered based on the factor determined in the bonus or deduction.

NOTE: If a Commission, Expense Reimbursement, Premium or Revenue premium type code has been entered in the Code field, the Quantity field becomes mandatory. If no quantity is entered in this field, when saving a Save Rejected message will appear.


Used to define how the bonus must be calculated when the quantity is 0.

If the defined quantity is higher than or equal to 1, the Base column is not available. Available values:

Worked Hours

Maestro* bases its calculation on the bonus amount entered versus the total number of hours worked.

Paid Hours

Maestro* bases its calculation on the bonus amount entered versus the hourly rate and number of hours.

For example: 1 hour at regular time + 1 hour at double time = 3 hours paid.

Hours – Regular

Maestro* bases its calculation on the bonus amount entered versus the number of hours paid at regular time only.

Worked hours - Overtime

Maestro* bases its calculation on the bonus amount entered versus the total number of hours worked at time-and-a-half.

Paid hours - Overtime

Maestro* bases its calculation on the bonus amount entered versus the hourly rate and the number of hours at time-and-a-half.

Worked hours – Double

Maestro* bases its calculation on the bonus amount entered versus the total number of hours worked at double time.

Paid Hours – Double

Maestro* bases its calculation on the bonus amount entered versus the hourly rate and the number of hours at double time.

% Gross Income

Maestro* bases its calculation on the salary, including taxable bonuses.

% Salary excluding bonuses

Maestro* bases its calculation on the salary, excluding taxable bonuses.

% Gross Income (including vac. and holidays

Maestro* bases its calculation on the salary, including vacation and holidays.


Specifies that the calculation will be performed according to the formula specified in the Formula field.

Net Income

Maestro* bases its calculation on the net income.

Basic Net

Maestro* bases its calculation on the net income taking into account the union deductions.

Gross income - Basic deductions - Union deduction

NOTE: The basic deductions are: CPP/QPP, Employment Insurance, QPIP, provincial tax amount and federal tax amount.

Basic Net (Gov. deductions only)

Maestro* bases its calculation on the net income without taking into account the union deductions.

Gross income - Basic deductions

NOTE: The basic deductions are: CPP/QPP, Employment Insurance, QPIP, provincial tax amount and federal tax amount.

Salary Source

Determines the source of the salary to calculate the bonus or deduction. Available values:


Includes all federal taxable income.


Includes all provincial taxable income.


Includes all income and bonuses that affect the committee salary.


Includes all income and bonuses that affect the union salary.

Pension Plan

Includes all income and bonuses that affect the Pension Plan salary.

Maximum Type

Indicates the maximum type defined in the Define Earnings/Bonus Codes option.

Bonus Maximum

Indicates the amount to retrieve from or add to the pay depending on the type of bonus or deduction. Field defined in the Define Earnings/Bonus Codes.

NOTE: The Employee Maximum field prevails over the Bonus Maximum field.

Employee Maximum

Double-click to enter the maximum bonus for this employee.


Check to calculate a bonus or deduction even if the employee does not have a pay.

NOTE: You can calculate a deduction for an employee who has been laid off temporarily if the bonus type is 1 - Deduction.

If the Permanent box is not checked, the added premiums will only be added when the employee has worked hours for the pay period. Employees that have no entries in the project hours, but that have a number of hours worked per pay period defined in their file, will also be processed without having to check the Permanent field.

The Permanent column is checked in case the premium has to be added to each pay even if the employee has no hours worked.

Reference No.

Field for information purposes only.


Sector to which the bonus should be applied. Available values:


The bonus applies to all sectors if the bonus is based on hours.

Sectors 1 to 5

The bonus applies to controlled sectors if the bonus is based on hours.

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Used to add the bonus for selected sector when the payroll is calculated.

If an amount is entered in the Quantity field, the sector must be selected.

NOTE: By default, the employee’s sector is displayed.

NOTE: If a quantity is entered, the employee's default sector is automatically selected. It is still possible to select a sector different than the default one.


Formula used to calculate bonuses and deductions if the base is Others.

Example of a formula to be used:

SALREG+PRIME.TRVL to indicate that the calculation must be on the regular salary, plus the "TRVL" bonus.

To know which variables are available, please refer to the documentation appendix (F1) on Define Earning/Deduction Codes.

  1. Default Pension Plan section: Select a code from the defined list. This field is linked to the Define Pension Plan function.




Entered based on the factor determined in the bonus or deduction.


Defined according to the maximum determined in the bonus or deduction.


Calculates the Pension Plan bonus even if the employee does not have a pay.

  1. Enter the required information in the ClosedIncome Taxes tab:
  1. Taxable Benefits section: Note in this section the various taxable benefits of the employee for the federal and provincial (Quebec only) levels: Housing / Board / Lodging, Travel, Use of a Vehicle, Low Interest Loan, Share Purchase Option and Other Benefits).
  2. Federal section:



Additional Deduction

Amount of additional tax deductions on the pay.

NOTES: The amount of additional deductions is added to the amount of tax to be paid for each pay period.

The amount of the additional deduction is added to the tax amount when the annual bonus is taxable.

Default income tax on annual bonuses

Percentage of tax to be withheld on annual bonuses.

If a rate is entered in this box, it will be applied to the annual bonus.

When calculations are interrupted, two income taxes will be displayed on the screen, including the federal income tax for the salary, and the federal income tax applicable to the annual bonus.

On the pay stub, the federal income tax includes the income tax on the salary and on the annual bonus.

If no percentage is entered no income tax will be calculated for the Annual Bonus premium types.

For the tax to be calculated on the annual bonus, the rate must have been entered in the employee’s record and the Affects Federal Tax option should be checked in the Define Earning/Deduction Codes window, Payroll Calculation tab.

Additional credits (according to the TD1)

Total from the personal tax credit declaration form (TD1) less the basic deduction.

NOTE: The basic deduction is entered in the government tables.

Employer-Offered Dental Benefits

Indicates whether the employee has access to employer-offered dental care insurance. Available values:

1 - No Insurance
2 - Payee Only
3 - Payee, Spouse, and Dependent Children
4 - Payee and Spouse
5 - Payee and Dependent Children

NOTES: This field is not mandatory and has no default value.

If a box redefinition was created for employer-offered dental benefits when preparing the 2023 T4 and T4A slips, it is recommended to delete the box redefinition and indicate its nature in the present field; information entered in a box redefinition will always take precedence over what is indicated in the employee's file.

  1. Provincial section:



Additional Deduction

Amount of additional tax deductions on the pay.

NOTE: The amount of additional deductions is added to the amount of tax to be paid for each pay period.

The amount of the additional deduction is added to the tax amount when the annual bonus is taxable.

Default income tax on annual bonuses

Percentage of tax to be withheld on annual bonuses.

If a rate is entered in this box, it will be applied to the annual bonus.

When calculations are interrupted, two income taxes will be displayed on the screen, including the provincial income tax for the salary, and the provincial income tax applicable to the annual bonus.

On the pay stub, the cumulative amount will be displayed for the provincial income tax.

For the tax to be calculated on the annual bonus, the rate must have been entered in the employee’s record and the Affects Federal Tax option should be checked in the Define Earning/Deduction Codes window, Payroll Calculation tab.

Additional credits (from Provincial Form)

From the personal tax credit declaration (TP-1015.3 for Quebec) and (TD1XX) for the other provinces, less the basic deduction.

NOTE: The basic deduction is entered in the government tables.

Other Deductions

Another amount to be deducted from the income to calculate the taxable income.

Eligible Dependant

Number of dependants the employee has.

NOTE: This field is used to calculate the tax reduction for the province of Ontario if the fields in the Provincial Income Tax tab in Government Tables are completed.

  1. T4A section: check Produce T4A and complete the required information if a T4A is to be prepared.


The company for a self-employed worker must respect the following format: 999999999RP9999.

  1. Exemption Keys section: Checked checkboxes are excluded from the payroll calculation.



Income Tax



If this box is checked, box 28-Exempt CPP/QPP will be checked on the T4 form. It indicates that an employee no longer contributes to the Quebec/Canadian pension plan.

It must be checked:

  • If the employee is 18 years or younger at the end of the taxation year and has not paid CPP/QPP contributions during the year.
  • If the employee is 73 years or older (QPP) / 70 years or older (CPP) at the end of the taxation year and has not paid CPP/QPP contributions during the year.

NOTE: If the employee is under 73 and has completed a form to stop paying QPP contributions, box 28-Exempt CPP/QPP will not be checked, but there will be a “0” in box 26-CPP/QPP pensionable earnings.

Federal sub-section



Provincial sub-section



W/C-CSST Provision


CCQ Administrator

If checked, the employee will not pay that CCQ deductions, such as:

  • Social Benefits
  • Sectoral Contribution
  • Compensation Fund
  • Hourly Contribution
  • Deduction
  • Qualification fund
  • Training fund

NOTE: However, the voluntary contribution (optional deduction) can be applied by selecting Yes in the optional deduction field of the default values section. This section is available in the Payroll Information tab.

Minority CCQ Adm.



If checked, the employee will be exempted from the calculation of:

  • the EHT (Employer Health Tax) contribution, outside Québec;
  • the FSS (Fonds des services de santé) contribution, in Québec.

NOTES: This box can be checked regardless of whether the Income Tax box is checked or not.

For payroll calculation in Ontario, whether the EHT exemption key is checked or not, the Healthcare Deduction will be calculated in the Health Care Deduction Table (Provincial Tax tab in the Government Tables option).

  1. In the Accumulators tab, enter the code and set the counter to Active or Inactive by checking the box provided for this purpose. This tab is linked to the Human Resources Management function.
  2. In the ClosedTrades and Unions tab, enter the default Trade Code for the employee with his years of apprenticeship and union, if applicable.

You can also define multiple trades for an employee and link default union codes to trades by checking the Activate Specific Settings by Trade box.


Only the employee’s trades that are checked will be available in the entry of hours.

To update the certification based on the trade code, user must save the new employee.




Master Union

If checked, monthly union deductions must be calculated according to the union master.

NOTE: This situation usually occurs if an employee has worked in multiple unions in the same month. Usually, the monthly deduction(s) must be calculated according to the master union, not each of the unions in which the employee worked.



The sector, region, annex and rates displayed under the default values section are derived from the information entered in the Payroll Information tab.

  1. The Events tab is a view-only tab. It is used to view events linked to this employee. This tab is available with Human Resources Management
  2. The Cumulatives tab is a view-only tab. It is used to view information specific to the employee for the current year or previous years
  3. The History tab is a view-only tab. It is used to view an employee's pays. By double-clicking on a pay, a table with details of the pay is displayed.

You can also display or hide the Detailed Payroll List report by checking the Display Detailed Payroll List field. This setting is by user.

  1. Click Save.


With the help of the Print icon, it is possible to print a custom form linked to the Employee Management. By default, if no form is specified in General section of Configurations, under the field Employee Form, maestro * prints the form PCEMP.STD.


  In SQL mode, it is possible to view the employee file modification history. To do so, go through the Tools menu and select the Change History option. A list of all the changes that were made to the current employee file: the value of the field before and after the modification, the name of the user who made the modification, as well as the date and hour of the change, are displayed in this list.


See also


Last modification: February 18, 2025